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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

canada my home..

hmm so finally i landed up in Canada. nope its not a settlement, its like a longer term assignment. will be here for anything from a year to 3 depending on how i feel.. this is sure a luxury considering so many of my brethren are desperately trying to find the good life here..

Canada is strange place, u pay for banking, you get vehicles on lease and most disturbingly you pay tax for every thing u buy be it a food item, a house hold things or even bank service, u have to bloody do all ur chores urself.. no concept of a bai the quintessential savior for a bachelor in India who takes care of the cookin and the cleaning.. top this with the fact that incoming is not free and you kinda wonder what the hell is so good about his place that ppl want to come here and live .. i mean India is much much better.. granted you have the odd pain here and then but as they say no pain no gain.

been asked by a lot of folks desi and others about considering settling here full time.. they even suggested taking the shorter route, find a kudi and get married. my answer nope.. me is Indian my inner being feels most comfortable in India he he, seriously not too keen to get a Canadian desi wife.. dont think our frequencies will match and most importantly she not gonna give up her citizen ship and move with me to India, which is a prerequisite for me, also i guess marrige is 3-4 yrs away and insha allah i will be in India by then.. :)

i hope be a bit more frequent with this.. will add stuff from day to day exps and some stuff which i like..

so folks keep watching this page..